情人節又快到啦,大家諗到禮物未呢?送花俾女朋友/老婆?請食晚飯?(冇咗堂食)請去旅遊?上遊船?(Stop)要一份好有意義嘅禮物,唔使好貴嘅,今次為你帶嚟一份喜出望外嘅體驗,今次推出情人節半價優惠,簡直就係史無前例,50分鐘有15張相精修,如此類推。歡迎電郵問價錢細節。 @ johnleegraphy #hong_kong #wedding #photography #photographer #wedding_photography #hk_wedding_photography #hkwedding_photography #hong_kong_wedding_photography #hongkongweddingphotography #wpja #johnleegraphy #award_winning_photographer #bowp #fearless #love #snapshot #bride…
Let me share one of the shots in recent close work. The hot summer days have just passed. Many families…
The rising star: Athlete: Natasha Waið¶ð¶ð¶2019 全國少年錦標賽香港隊代表全港競技體操公開賽ð¤¸♀️ HongKong Artistic Gymnastics Open Championship 2020 ð¶個人全能 All Around -Championððð ð¸自由體操 Floor Routine -2nd placeð¥ ð¸ 平衡木 Balance…
It was my pleasure again to capture a memorable photos for my VIP client, Crystal & Bosco. I remember this…
Recently just today I received a letter from client, who I took them wedding photos 6 yrs ago and dog…
Lately I had a chance photoshooting two little cute Dogs, here have some photos to share with you. 設計對白:Sit, 真係乖,一陣間比嘢你食。…
We are new to meet John, and it was because we saw some wedding photos and family photos from our…
Hi, the busy Dec is over soon and new journey for 2018 is coming. This week I am having family…
This winter our schedule is On and we will be going to Sydney for photoshoot. Sydney / Melbourne Session Dec…