Lately I’m very delighted to meet with a photographer in San Francisco, Christina Otes, can work together to take a…
The rising star: Athlete: Natasha Waið¶ð¶ð¶2019 全國少年錦標賽香港隊代表全港競技體操公開賽ð¤¸♀️ HongKong Artistic Gymnastics Open Championship 2020 ð¶個人全能 All Around -Championððð ð¸自由體操 Floor Routine -2nd placeð¥ ð¸ 平衡木 Balance…
The people on my website are usually brides and rarely grooms. But of course there are exceptions. This time, the…
拭目以待 – 新嘅配套即將開始,嚟緊會喺婚紗攝影套餐加設旗袍攝影服務-Free Add-on service until end of Feb。有需要歡迎電郵查詢。[email protected]
Today had a chance to take Cheongsam photos for 3 beautiful girls – 密友, let me share some highlights to…
還記得我八月頭同一個小女孩拍照? 是為千色店拍攝產品照片,做野真快手,已經上星期成了廣告ððð 單色背心外套製造多個易搭造型!女:以淺藍背心外套襯托深藍色連身裙,翻邊衣領配鈕扣設計,顯現斯文一面,大方得體男:運用黑色外套背心配上灰色衛衣,令一身深色配搭變得更有新鮮感 Posted by 千色Citistore – Hong Kong Official Fanpage on Sunday, September 2, 2018
Janice Yau – Artist Photographer: John Lee Photography Model: 丘芷蓉 Janice Yau For enquiry: [email protected] +852-9710-1000 If those of…